
This Product Roadmap Notion template is designed to allow product teams to communicate their roadmap to internal team members.

Team-members across the company can see what features are planned when, and dive into details to see what exactly is planned, when it will be in beta or released, which teams are working on it and more.

Customizing the template for new roadmap items

The New Roadmap Item template allows you to define what information you would like to share with your audience for each new roadmap item.

This page should be a one-stop-shop for everyone to learn about the roadmap item. It should be kept updated as the roadmap item is developed, showcasing the emerging feature design, key decisions made, the expected timeline to release and links to project documents.

Alter the sections and the guidance text to fit your product and team.

If different teams or different types of roadmap items need different content then you can create multiple New Roadmap Item template pages.

Customising roadmap phases

Each project will go through different phases in its development. This template comes with a set of default phases that are represented by the Phase property in the Product Roadmap Notion database and grouped into three groups:


In Progress
